Una selezione dei migliori software per la modellazione, la progettazione e il design. Sono inclusi programmi CAD, modellatori poligonali, SDS e NURBS, programmi di sculpting e specifici per la modellazione di corpi umani, programmi di animazione/rendering, painting 2D e MCAD professionali per uso industriale.
Programma | Livello | S.O. | Prezzo | Formati |
123D Design | Novizi | Windows, Mac e iOS | Gratuito | 123x, step, stl, x3d, vrml |
3D Slash | Novizi | Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi o Browser | Gratuito, 24€/anno Premium | 3dslash, obj, stl |
Photoshop CC | Novizi | Windows e Mac | 142 €/anno | 3ds, dae, kmz, obj, psd, stl, u3d |
SculptGL | Novizi | Browser | Gratuito | obj, ply, sgl, stl |
SelfCAD | Novizi | Browser | Gratuito trial 30 gg, $9.99/mese | STL, MTL, PLY, DAE, SVG |
TinkerCAD | Novizi | Browser | Gratuito | 123dx, 3ds, c4d, mb, obj, svg, stl |
Clara.io | Intermedio | Browser | Gratuito, Premium da $100/anno | 3dm, 3ds, cd, dae, dgn, dwg, emf, fbx, gf, gdf, gts, igs, kmz, lwo, rws, obj, off, ply, pm, sat, scn, skp, slc, sldprt, stp, stl, x3dv, xaml, vda, vrml, x_t, x, xgl, zpr |
FreeCAD | Intermedio | Windows, Mac e Linux | Gratuito | step, iges, obj, stl, dxf, svg, dae, ifc, off, nastran, Fcstd |
MakeHuman | Intermedio | Windows, Mac, Linux | Gratuito | dae, fbx, obj, STL |
Meshmixer | Intermedio | Windows, Mac e Linux | Gratuito | amf, mix, obj, off, stl |
Moment of Inspiration (MoI) | Intermedio | Windows e Mac | 266 € | 3ds, 3dm, dxf, fbx, igs, lwo, obj, skp, stl, stp and sat |
OpenSCAD | Intermedio | Windows, Mac e Linux | Gratuito | dxf, off, stl |
Sculptris | Intermedio | Windows e Mac | Gratuito | obj, goz |
SketchUp | Intermedio | Windows e Mac | Gratuito, 657€ Pro | dwg, dxf, 3ds, dae, dem, def, ifc, kmz, stl |
3ds Max | Professionale | Windows | 2.141,70 €/ anno, disponibili licenze educational | stl, 3ds, ai, abc, ase, asm, catproduct, catpart, dem, dwg, dxf, dwf, flt, iges, ipt, jt, nx, obj, prj, prt, rvt, sat, skp, sldprt, sldasm, stp, vrml, w3d xml |
AutoCAD | Professionale | Windows e Mac | 1400 €/anno | dwg, dxf, pdf |
Blender | Professionale | Windows, Mac e Linux | Gratuito | 3ds, dae, fbx, dxf, obj, x, lwo, svg, ply, stl, vrml, vrml97, x3d |
Mudbox | Professionale | Windows e Mac | 85 €/anno | fbx, mud, obj |
Onshape | Professionale | Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android | 2.400 €/anno, disponibili versioni gratuite e particolari offerte business | sat, step, igs, iges, sldprt, stl, 3dm, dae, dfx, dwg, dwt, pdf, x_t, x_b, xxm_txt, ssm_bin |
Poser | Avanzato | Windows, Mac | Standard $129.99, Pro $349.99 | cr2, obj, pz2 |
Rhino3D | Professionale | Windows e Mac | 195€ Educational, 995€ Commercial Win, 495 Commercial Mac | 3dm, 3ds, cd, dae, dgn, dwg, emf, fbx, gf, gdf, gts, igs, kmz, lwo, rws, obj, off, ply, pm, sat, scn, skp, slc, sldprt, stp, stl, x3dv, xaml, vda, vrml, x_t, x, xgl, zpr |
ZBrush | Professionale | Windows e Mac | Educational 400€, Commercial 720€ (singolo utente) | dxf, goz, ma, obj, stl, vrml, x3d |
CATIA | Industriale | Windows | Da 7.180 €; disponibili versioni educational | 3dxml, catpart, igs, pdf, stp, stl, vrml |
Fusion 360 | Industriale | Windows e Mac | 499.80 €/anno, disponibili versioni educational | catpart, dwg, dxf, f3d, igs, obj, pdf, sat, sldprt, stp |
Inventor | Industriale | Windows e Mac | 2,060 €/anno | 3dm, igs, ipt, nx, obj, prt, rvt, sldprt, stl, stp, x_b, xgl |
Solidworks | Industriale | Windows | 9.950 €, disponibili versioni educational | 3dxml, 3dm, 3ds, eZmf, amf, dwg, dxf, idf, ifc, obj, pdf, sldprt, stp, stl, vrml |
T-FLEX | Industriale | Windows | 2600€ licenza lifetime | 3dm, igs, parasolid, PDF, XDB, emf. wmf,STEP,Acis,JT,PRC,STL,PLY,OBJ,VRML,PDF 3D,U3D,X3D,POV-Ray,3MF,Open Inventor,Crystal Reports,IFC,BMP,JPG,PNG,GIF, TIFF,SolidWorks,Catia,IDeas |